Spend Bill Gates’ Money: Can You Do It? — Radical FIRE

6 min readDec 26, 2020


What would you do with $100 billion? Spend Bill Gates’ money and find out all the fun things you could do!

When you’re trying to grow your own net worth beyond anything you imagine, it’s fun to think about what you can do with it. Go on a world trip? Buy your dream house? Retire early?

With $100 billion net worth, it’s even more fun to think about what you can do with it. We’re not the only ones who are thinking about that. Today, let’s spend the money of one of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates!

[Related read: what’s the average net worth in the Netherlands?]

What Is Spend Bill Gates Money?

There is this website where you can do all kinds of fun things. I warn you; you can spend hours on the website (that’s what I did last Sunday..).

A couple of my favorites:

Printing Money — visualizes your average salary compared to a Fortune 500 CEO’s salary, Twitter revenue compared to Amazon revenue, or the US deficit increase.

Life Stats — shows stats about things that happened since you were born. For example, for me, it shows:

  • You’ve spent 3,141 days of your life asleep.
  • There are 2,090,892,679 more people on Earth than when you were born.
  • There is 15% more CO2 in the atmosphere than when you were born.
  • The S&P 500 is up 610% in your lifetime (I guess I should have started investing earlier).
  • The moon is 98 cm further away than when you were born.
  • The number of humans living in extreme poverty decreased by 71%.
  • Life expectancy went up 8 years for all people.

This is wild. I assume when you’re born earlier than me (1994), your stats will be more mindblowing.

My absolute favorite: Spend Bill Gates’ Money — it’s basically a Bill Gates money game. You have all the money in the world and are an extremely wealthy person. More specifically, you can spend the money of famous entrepreneur Bill Gates.

Most people know Bill Gates as the co-founder of the software company Microsoft, an American business (publicly-traded) that almost everyone uses in the modern world. He is on the Forbes billionaires list and became wealthy with Microsoft.

You can spend $100,000,000,000 (that’s billion) on anything you like. NBA teams, cruise ships, skyscrapers, most expensive formula 1 cars, mansions, yachts, gold bars, puppies, or big macs. Spending the money from one of the richest people in the world is super fun!

Even with all these options, it’s still really freaking hard to spend $100 billion. You’re up for the game? Check how I did.

How I Would Spend Bill Gates’ Money:

  • I got one puppy. Let’s get this party started! (Cost: $1,500).
  • On top of that, I got 3 designer handbags. Let’s forget about the clothing ban, when I have $100 billion, I can spend $5,500 on a handbag. (Cost: $16,500)
  • If I’m gonna be a billionaire, I guess I got to live up to the expectations. I decided to get one cruise ship (because why the hell not), the Mona Lisa to hang in one of my 3 mansions, 2 hot tubs, 2 diamond rings, 5 Rolexes, 3 Tesla’s, a Ferrari, and 2 formula one cars. To top it off, let’s also go for a Boeing 747 and 21 $7.5 million yachts for my friends and me — yes, you can have one as well. (Cost: $2.2 billion)
  • To conserve some of my capital, I will also get 99 gold bars. (Cost: $69.3 million)
  • I will have 37 skyscrapers build with my fortune, and I will put my name on them. They are the greatest skyscrapers you will ever see. (Cost: $31.5 billion)
  • I gotta buy the entire NBA with my fortune. Let’s have some fun! (Cost: $63.6 billion)
  • Besides that, funding a couple of movies also seems like something that I should tick off in my billionaire life. 8 movies should do the trick. (Cost: $800 million)
  • With my leftover money, I will buy 6,300 single-family homes. Many people can use a home right now. I will let them rent for extremely low prices, make them happy, and build up some passive income. So that I can help more people. (Cost: $1.9 billion)

YES, I spend the entire $100 billion. It’s diversified spending. It’s so much fun to spend the entire $100 billion, even though not all spending makes an equal amount of sense for me.

If I had the choice, I would choose to invest a couple of billion in the stock market. That would give me enough dividends to become super-rich and a philanthropist myself. I would love to have billions and found my own charitable organization. While it wouldn’t make me the most influential person or even the youngest billionaire, it would be a lot of fun. Being among the female billionaires and the wealthiest women of the entire world seems fun!

Okay, that’s enough dreaming for now.

I’m very curious, how would you spend your $100 billion?

What Is Bill Gates’ ACTUAL Fortune?

The amazing this is that this website actually UNDERESTIMATED Bill Gates’ fortune and extreme wealth. Currently, this total net worth is estimated at 112 billion dollars by Forbes Magazine, making him one of the world’s wealthiest people. Gates is right up there on the list of billionaires with Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Warren Buffett (founder of Berkshire Hathaway).

Bill and Melinda Gates have a charity together, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They are known for their philanthropy. For example, in May 2020, they spent $300 million towards fighting the pandemic. That’s a lot of money.

To date, $35.8 billion of Microsoft stock has been given to the Gates Foundation, which is incredible. This means they have given more money to charity than anyone else. Ever. That is probably a better way to spend your money than buying the entire NBA.

How Many Big Macs Can Bill Gates Buy?

If there are 7 billion people globally, and a Big Mac costs $2, Bill Gates can buy each person 7.143 Big Macs.

The $2 price on Neal’s website is probably assuming a bulk discount, though.

How Much Money Does Bill Gates Make Per Second?

With a net worth of $111 billion, a 7% average return would earn Bill Gates $246.39 per second. That even makes picking up a $100 bill when he finds one a bad investment.

What Is Bill Gates’ House Worth?

While Gates gave away a big part of his fortune, he makes sure he is comfortable. His mansion near Seattle is worth at least $127 million today. Gate purchased the lot for $2 million in 1988 and built his very own dream home.

When your net worth is north of $110 billion, some lifestyle inflation only seems fitting.

Here are some interesting facts about the Gates house:

  • They paid $1 billion in property taxes in 2017 alone.
  • The house has a 60-foot pool in a separate building. The pool also has an underwater music system, how crazy is that!
  • The property has 24 bathrooms, 6 kitchens, and a reception hall for 200 guests.
  • A library that is 2,100 square feet, with two secret bookcases and the Codex Leicester (a manuscript by Leonardo da Vinci, purchased for $30.8 million).
  • The garage can accommodate up to 23 cars, which will be mostly used for Bill’s luxury car collection. He is known to like Porsches.
  • Every year, Microsoft holds an auction where employees donate products or services, and people can bid on them. An employee once won a private tour around the property with a bid of $35,000. All proceedings went to their charity organization.

Charity Work

Besides his real estate and his car collection, Bill Gates is doing great things as a philanthropist. He retired from the Microsoft board in 2020 to spend money time on philanthropy, including global health, education, and climate change.

Bill Gates has an excellent money mindset, given all the things he does and all the money he earns. Do you want to improve your money mindset? Try listening to these rapper quotes about money, say daily affirmations to attract wealth and abundance, or learn more about the Law of Attraction and manifesting.

Conclusion — Spending Bill Gates’ Money

Spending all the money Bill Gates has amassed over the years is fun. It feels strange to know now what you should do with the money, so you’re buying things like the NBA for $63.6 billion.

It’s fun to dream about what you could do with that money.

Now it’s up to you.

How would you spend Bill Gates’ money?

Originally published at https://radicalfire.com on August 24, 2020.




Personal Finance blogger at radicalfire.com. I talk all about passive income, making money, & saving money — to reach financial independence.